At Flourish, you heal how you most need to. Everyone is different and so is how you need to heal. We listen, and guide you on your healing path with compassion and purpose 


We’re all pretty hard core healers at Flourish, and we’re passionate about you receiving the healing you need from
the healer that resonates
with you best.


It’s easy to book online.
Whether you have been referred to us specifically, or you’re looking for someone new to explore your Soul Healing with, click here to book in.


We run practitioner training and self-development events throughout the year.
Check out our calendar of Flourish workshops and trainings. 

We have personally experienced the power of healing which has freed us from our limiting beliefs and we want to share it with you…

They say that to be a good healer, you need to experience what you will be asked to heal. The healers at Flourish are real people who have had amazing results from Soul Healing – so much so, they became healers themselves.

Who better to trust with your healing…

The Flourish Team

Kaylee Maitland

Kinesiologist & Soul Healer

As a Soul Awaking Healer, Kaylee releases trauma and belief systems spanning your lifetimes that are holding you back from realising your greatest potential in this lifetime.

If there’s something bursting to get out of you but you just don’t know what it is or how to release it, book an in-clinic or remote Soul Awaking balance.



Multi-Dimensional Soul Healing
Touch for Health
Neuro-linguistic Kinesiology
LEAP 1 & 2
Herbalism & Aromatherapy

Creator of Multi-Dimensional Soul Healing training course

Geordie Ritchie

Kinesiologist & Soul Healer

Geordie helps adults & kids understand how their brain is functioning so they can unlock their potential and have the confidence to be themselves.

Geordie offers in person and distance appointments and incorporates a range of sound therapy tools into his sessions.

If you’re looking to support your child in their development, or if they’re experiencing behavioural issues, ADHD/ASD or learning difficulties, make an appointment with Geordie.



Multi-Dimensional Soul Healing
Touch for Health
Neuro-linguistic Kinesiology

Belle Gikas

Kinesiologist & Soul Healer

Belle is a true heart healer, she intuitively weaves multiple energy healing frequencies and modalities to help you release what no longer serves your highest good, so you can experience the joy, peace, and happiness you deserve.

Belle enjoys working with sound healing frequencies, crystals, oracle cards, and meridian therapy using a bio resonance device.



Multi-Dimensional Soul Healing
Certified Energy Practitioner
Reiki 1 & 2
Seichim Reiki
Access Bars Practitioner

Craig McEvoy

Kinesiologist & Soul Healer

Craig blends his deep understanding of the body and it’s physical needs with the energetic aspects of Kinesiology and the way the brain and body interact.

Identifying and healing trapped emotions and belief systems in the body through hands-on massage techniques, leaves you feeling freer, lighter and energised.



Touch for Health
Neuro-Linguistic Kinesiology
Remedial Massage
Neuro-Kinetic Therapy
Integrative Movement
Cert 3 & 4 in Fitness (PT)

Alana Hooper

Kinesiologist & Family Soul Healer

The healing we create in ourselves can often heal those we love most around us.

I work with individuals and families to create change.

Alana helps you find contentment in your beautiful family and provide the foundation within ourselves to base these changes in.



Multi-Dimensional Soul Healing

Carlee Galway

Kinesiologist & Soul Trauma Healer

Carlee offers a unique healing experience for all of her clients.

With a deep understanding of the mind, body and soul connection, Carlee guides you to release stored traumas, reframe limiting belief systems, and shift self-imposed boundaries and outdated conditionings to empower you to move freely forward.



Multi-Dimensional Soul Healing

What we do best

We’re here to help you on your journey.

We specialise in healing soul trauma and helping you reframe belief systems about yourself – as you release the density of the past. 

Sometimes you might need a little more help, so we have stocked our shelves with high frequency healing tools such as singing bowls, essential oils (that we bottle ourselves), energy healing sprays and magically blended herbs for drinking or use in rituals.

Pop in to see our range or speak to us at your next appointment about taking home support for between appointments.

What our clients say

Don’t just take our word for it, here what our lovely clients want to share about us.

“I wouldn’t take my family anywhere else”


“I took my 7 year old to see Geordie for anxiety related issues and can’t speak highly enough of him! So calm and patient with my fidgety son and seeing amazing results with my son’s sleep and stomach issues. Highly recommend!! Thanks Geordie.”


“I can’t recommend Flourish highly enough. Go and see them, they’ll change your life.”


Our Stories

We have taken the time to tell our own stories of healing and the amazing stories of people who we have helped guide on their own healing path.

This phrase, toxic positivity, has come up twice in the last 2 […]
When you have a Kinesiology balance with us, one of the very […]

Flourish Practitioner Training

Join us for Soul Healing Practitioner training at our beautiful training space in Kensington Park, South Australia.

Mulit-Dimensional Soul Healing training is for those seeking a personal development experience and/or a career change.